Thursday, August 27, 2020
Crisis Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Emergency Management - Essay Example It comprises of methods of how to get ready for and react to a negative occasions and it incorporates activities all around composed which will control the harm and safeguard or reestablish open certainty to the association. a) first, the pioneer should set with the assistance of his/her top supervisory crew, an emergency the board plan which ought to be as per the qualities and the way of thinking of the association and which distinguishes various degrees of emergency in the association. b) Create an emergency supervisory group which will distinguish potential emergencies and create plans, jobs and obligation regarding planning and moderating every one of the emergencies. The pioneer should assist this with joining in breaking down emergency by different traits, for example, industry, area, process and so on. From 1990 - 2007 , as indicated by ICM, the desk wrongdoing is as yet number one in the rundown of most normal emergencies, trailed by fumble, working environment brutality, work debates and class activity suits. The top officials are the ones that made the news in 2007 for blunder and desk wrongdoing. Working environment brutality recorded the greatest increment of any of the 16 emergency types ICM tracks. The sorts of emergencies that ICM tracks are the accompanying: calamities, loss mishaps, natural, legal claims customer activism, defects& reviews, separation, official excusal, money related harms, unfriendly takeover, work questions, botch, lewd behavior, informants, clerical wrongdoing and working environment viciousness. It is noteworthy that item imperfections and reviews ascend to 44% throughout the prior year. The most emergency inclined enterprises in 2007 were: programming producers, pharmaceutical organizations, oil refining, gaseous petrol organizations, security intermediaries/vendors, banking,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Should welfare recipients receive drug testing?
Since government assistance programs began during the 60s, a reoccurring design has been found in a greater number of cases than one. Deceitful movement and exploiting the framework has been occurring for a really long time in our general public. A basic medication test ought to be managed to government assistance beneficiaries on the off chance that they hope to get the advantages that are offered to them. On the off chance that different residents, for example, the ones in the average workers are considered responsible to be controlled a medication screening, the individuals who might want to get government help ought to be held to the equivalent standard.The nullification of the qualification culture found in American culture will at last advantage the Countries economy and character. While the idea of this training isn't to generalization against the lower class, it ought to be viewed as a compulsory assessment to the individuals who might want to keep profiting by the government ’s help. The objective of medication testing government assistance beneficiaries isn't to repudiate their benefits, it is basically to change the arrangement of government assistance and ensure that the individuals who really need help are having their necessities met.I.) The contention of what number of government assistance beneficiaries tried for substance misuse has been demonstrated to be skewed.A.) The American Civil Liberties Union (ALCU) finds that solitary 2.6 percent of government assistance beneficiaries in Florida study tried negative for substance misuse. The province of Florida sedate tried 4,086 candidates. Just 108 people tried constructive, nonetheless, clearly numerous beneficiaries defer application because of the way that they realize they will have their advantages stripped in light of the constructive outcomes. (Bragdon) 1.) because of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) act, beneficiaries would be required to pay cash based to be directed a urinalysis, and would be repaid whenever passed, further support up slanted proof as beneficiaries would be considerably more liable to not spend their own cash on a test that they would make certain to fail.With nearly $58,000 spent repaying drug test charges and complete reserve funds from tranquilize related refusals at $1.8 million, the medication test necessity is sparing Florida citizens $30.64 for each $1 spent. 2.) The U.S Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services named a national review in 2009, reasoning that 8.7 percent of the populace beyond 12 years old demonstrates to utilize illegal medications. With such a noticeable measure of the populace being identified with the maltreatment of different substances, it tends to be all around inferred that the purpose behind such a miniscule measure of beneficiaries bombing the directed tests is because of the way that a significant number of the clients didn't indeed, step through the exam at all.3.) The aftereffects of the ACLU study neglect to explore what number of the tried government assistance beneficiaries that passed the medication testing would have tried positive on other controlled substances, for example, solution pills that many safeguard to be a â€Å"false positive†. As indicated by an investigation led by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 48.5% of Americans take at any rate one type of physician recommended sedate, and a comparative report, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reasoned that at any rate an expected 2.4 million Americans misuse medicine pills every day. Likewise, of open help beneficiaries treated for substance maltreatment in 2008, the most widely recognized essential substance of misuse was liquor (37 percent of those treated). (Bragdon) II.) Drug testing government assistance beneficiaries is delegated â€Å"Unconstitutional†A.) The Supreme Court’s â€Å"Special Needs Doctrine†can be utilized to characterize the demonstr ation of requiring government assistance beneficiaries to pass a planned or arbitrary medication testing as sacred (NCSL) 1.) The precept of illegal conditions requires an alternate investigation under which molding government assistance on agree to testing might just be a protected condition, the eleventh circuit board has done a lot of research to demonstrate this hypothesis. (Wurman) 2.) The â€Å"Germaneness†of a bill of council is basically the congruity of the issue. This can be legitimately related to the issue of whether a beneficiary is agreeable when requested to be managed a medication test.(NCSL)3.) In 1981, Lyng v. Universal Union, occurred in court because of the Food Stamp Act that expressed, â€Å"No family will get qualified to take part in the food stamp program during the time that any individual from the family unit is protesting or will expand the portion of food stamps that it was accepting as of now in light of the fact that the salary of the striking part has decreased.†Despite the taking to the streets being a privilege in the primary correction, the Courtâ held that the law didn't have a â€Å"substantial sway on any essential interest†and that residents taking part in striking were straightforwardly influencing their capacity to make a pay, much like medication misuse does.Therefore, leaving provisos in the resistance that medication testing government assistance beneficiaries would encroach upon their fourth amendment. 4.) When this issue was delegated to a board of judges, they summed up a statement from instance of Dolan v. City of Tigard, fundamentally expressing that when the advantage has a relationship to one side, the administration may, maybe, retain the advantage. Implying that help is anything but a sympathetic right, rather an advantage that is offered by the administration, permitting them to deny access to the advantage, if need be. In the event that beneficiaries can't breeze through the contro lled medication assessment, their privileges are not being encroached upon, because of the way that government assistance benefits are not a protected right themselves. B.) Most situations in the average workers require a medication test to be administered.1.) Both regular workers employments, private segment occupations and government assistance beneficiaries are accepting cash from the administration, the main contrast is that two are working for that cash, while the other is getting help gave to them from the citizens. The most unmistakable case against requiring government assistance beneficiaries to finish a medication assessment is victimization poor people. In any case, in many (not all) employments, so as to go after specific jobs, a medication test is regulated, in spite of the fact that that is barely ever taken a gander at as unlawful when corporate pioneers are considered responsible for their activities while tolerating open assets. It is not out of the question that re sidents depending on help from the administration and society ought to be held to a similar standard of others when accepting assistance that they couldn’t get all alone. (Wurman)C.) War on Drugs1.) While the war on drugs is to be viewed as protected by numerous uneducated individuals, notwithstanding a large number of citizen dollars going to waste to subsidize wars, a basic medication test to forestall the ceaseless hover of exploiting charge paying residents is viewed as illegal because of the way that the benefit of the war on drugs is a lot more prominent than the checking of government assistance spending.2.) In 1980 50,000 individuals were in authority for tranquilize related offenses, a considerable lot of them minor charges. While capturing masses of individuals, atâ the cost of once more, citizens, is sacred, the observing of government assistance is such a minor issue in examination, when these residents are being helped, with just the solicitation to go along to a basic test to demonstrate that administration cash isn’t financing an illicit drug use. (cdc gov)3.) While for clear reasons, recreational medication use is unlawful, and stays to be one of the greatest, cash and tedious issues in our general public. It is an outrageous logical inconsistency to concur that medications ought to be illicit, however to feel that government assistance beneficiaries ought not need to be tried to get government benefits. This issue legitimately identifies with the issue of Germaneness expressed before. There is clearly an unmistakable motivation to control recipient’s tranquilize tests when they are getting help from society, corresponding medication clients efficiency toIII.) Tax payer cash spared because of the annulment of inappropriate utilization of government fundsA.) Welfare ought to be viewed as a transitory guide used to assist clients with recovering financially in the midst of battle, not a way of life choice.1.) It is without a doubt sure that with this issue, however anything, debasement and misuse happen. Intermittently government assistance is taken a gander at as to a greater degree an instrument to buy superfluous things, for example, cigarettes, and recreational medications. While that isn't the situation with all beneficiaries, it is regularly mishandled. Contrasted with the advantages government assistance gives, a basic medication test appears to be impeding to make into a weight, particularly when numerous states flexibly repayment to beneficiaries who breeze through the medication assessment. It is regularly addressed why somebody who is getting help would be so worried about taking a medication test, on the off chance that they weren’t in reality doing drugs.2.) In 35 states government assistance beneficiaries get more than the lowest pay permitted by law, in 13 states beneficiaries get more than $15 60 minutes. Every year there is around 1.3 trillion government charge dollars put into government assistance. In Mississippi a non-working beneficiary can get as much as $16,984 in benefits, significantly more incredibly, in the District of Columbia one can get as much as $43,099. One would be naã ¯ve to state that when confronted with the decision of buckling down for that sort of cash, or accepting a freebee, that the normal resident would decide to work. The best way to diminish the degree of reliance frequently found in the government assistance framework is toâ make work prerequisites stricter and to require arbitrary medication screenings to screen false action inside the industry.3.) To forestall accepting advantages from turning out to be an attitude, yet a way of life, government assistance beneficiaries ought to be required to do various network administration hours in the event that they are not at present working while at the same time being helped. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is an extremely plain as day establishment, they offer awards to families that need impermanent assistance and promoter work while getting benefits. The Government must do all that they can to keep government assistance from turning into an outlook, however a greater amount of what its aim was to be, a device utilized for ci
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why You Should Be Taking Many Columbia Essay Samples
Why You Should Be Taking Many Columbia Essay SamplesThere are lots of different reasons why it's a good idea to have a few Columbia essay samples to hand when you're taking the LSAT. For starters, having your own personal essay for testing is one of the most valuable things you can do in preparing for your tests. It will help you know exactly what kind of questions you're going to be asked, what to expect, and what to write.The other thing to take into account when you're thinking about this is that preparation will help you get better scores on test day. A lot of people who write essays aren't completely sure about what they should do or what they should be expecting when they're taking an exam like the LSAT. By taking a bit of time to prepare, you'll be able to make your essays much better.Whether you are taking the LSAT as a way to improve your score or to test your writing skills, it's important to keep these in mind. First of all, you need to be able to write well. This is somet hing that no one is going to be able to say is innate, but it certainly can be learned. If you can write a good essay, you will be prepared for the LSAT.Also, a good essay isn't just about writing well. You also need to know how to organize your thoughts and turn them into a coherent argument. Without knowing how to do this, you won't be able to do well on the test.Also, remember that you don't just analyze situations; you actually think out what to say. By learning how to analyze situations, you'll be able to know how to actually express yourself. Even if you can't write a truly amazing essay, you can still work on your writing skills, as long as you learn to organize your thoughts and to show a cohesive argument. It's also important to remember that even if you have essay samples to hand, it doesn't mean you have to do everything exactly as written. One of the things you want to do is learn to customize the essay to fit the person who is taking it. The student taking the LSAT may have different strengths and weaknesses than the person who is writing the essay.By taking these things into consideration, you'll be able to prepare for the LSAT much better. You won't be overwhelmed by all the essay samples that are out there. You will be able to find ones that are suited to your personality and the personality of the person who is taking the test.In order to prepare for the LSAT, remember that writing skills are just one aspect of the whole equation. You need to be able to think clearly and organize your thoughts in order to have a very good essay. By taking the time to study and practice, you'll be able to get the best results possible.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Comparing the Perversion of Values in The Great Gatsby...
Perversion of Values in The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman Throughout History there are many examples of perversions, from sexual, social to the very morals themselves. One of the greatest examples is the continuous corruption of the American Dream. As the Dream evolves, it tends to conform to the illicit dealings of the time and immortals of society. No longer is an individual interested in working hard to achieve goals, it is desirous of the quick fix. Society wants its wishes and wants them now. This social attitude is thoroughly explored in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and by Arthur Miller in his Death of a Salesman. As the instantaneous achievement becomes more valued it gives rise to the lie, the†¦show more content†¦So he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen year old boy would be likely to invent, and to this conception he was faithful to the end. The above quote found on page 170 in the Great Gatsby clearly shows the invention of the lie. Gatsby created a fantasy world, which he revolved his life around. Gatsby created the illusion, and then proceeded to lie to himself and everyone around him. However, Gatsbys continuous fib backfires, as the evolving stories get circulated and result in rumors, Ive put it down here with the idea of exploding those first wild rumors about his antecedents, which werent even faintly true. (Fitzgerald 120) Instead of making Gatsbys past more real, the lie resulted in an obstruction of his dream to fit in with society. The results of the lie were similar in the Death of a salesman. Willy Loman lie about his success and distorts his job performance. Willy lies that he is Vital in New England. (Miller 16), which is obviously not true. Unlike Gatsby who lies about his past, Willy tells falsehoods about his accomplishments. I did five hundred gross in Boston ... Well, I - I did - about a hundred and eighty gross in Providence. Well, no - it came to - roughly two hundred gross on the whole trip. (Miller 35) Willy lives in a
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Adhd ) - 816 Words
â€Å"Dear teacher, I know it may not seem like it, but I really do want to listen and learn. It’s just my brain is kind of different.†Quoted from students in the video, â€Å"Dear Teacher: Heartfelt Advice for Teachers from Students†(Highways, 2015). A link is in the reference page below. This video is filled with many children who differ on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, Sensory Processing Disorder, or Central Auditory Processing Disorder. These children wanted to make a video to tell teachers about how their brain works. It makes clear that not all students learn alike. A teacher may think that a child is misbehaving if the child is leaning back and forth on†¦show more content†¦This definition is correct, but it does not really show people the thoughts and feelings of people with Autism. Reading Notbohm’s 10 reasons shows a more humanistic approach to what Autism actually is and sheds light on what is actually happening in the life of a person with Autism. It brings a smile to one’s face when reading something so positive other than just a definition. History To know how this definition came to be researchers must look back in history to find out all of the trials and tribulations that Autism went through to understand where it is at today. As noted in â€Å"The History of Autism†by Sula Wolff, in the 1950s the country was filled with children being labeled as autistic. The definition expanded to include all children who had brain damage and â€Å"mental retardation†which people called learning disabilities back then. For a short period of time, Autism was considered to be in the same category of schizophrenia. In the 1980s Autism was included in the U.S. Developmental Disability Act of 1975. This helped people with Autism gain financial support and special education services. Soon after, the Autism Spectrum Disorder was created because of the rediscovery of Asperger’s (Wolff, 2003). Currently, Aspergers is no longer a valid diagnosis and has been removed from the fifth edition of the Diagnostic andShow MoreRelate dAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Adhd )1397 Words  | 6 PagesAutism, also referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD), is a neurological disorder that causes difficulties with social interaction and affects 1 out of 68 children in the United States. People with this diagnosis have difficulties with social interaction, challenges with communication, and often engage in behaviors that are repetitive but are different with every child. With no known cause, autism is on the steady rise and it is important for people (especially parents) to learn how to helpRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd ) And / Or Autism Spectrum Disorder930 Words  | 4 Pageswith Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) because technology allows them to learn more. In the past few years Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder has come more into the spotlight. It seems like everyone has it. While only about 5% of students are actually diagnosed with ADHD, recent reports have claimed that up to 18.7% of students have it (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, 2014). Autism Spectrum Disorder has come into the spotlight to withRead MoreIs Autism A Developmental Disorder? Essay1619 Words  | 7 PagesExploring Autism in Children Rutgers University Atypical Adolescence and Development Professor. Stevie McKenna November 2nd, 2016 Autism Abstract Autism is a developmental disorder in which an individual has problems with communication and interaction. Autism Spectrum Disorder was adopted as a categorization in 2013 and begins in childhood and follows throughout the course of a child’s life and is actually a collection of developmental brain disorders. There isRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder1284 Words  | 6 PagesThe DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is a diagnostic tool used in the United States for psychiatric diagnosis. One of these disorders is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and according to the DSM-5, there are two manifestations. These are: social interaction and communication as well as restricted, repetitive, stereotyped behaviors and interests. Deficits in social communication include social-emotional reciprocity, nonverbal communicative behaviors and social relationshipsRead MoreThe Specificity Of Inhibitory Impairments1363 Words  | 6 PagesOf Inhibitory Impairments In Autism And Their Relation To ADHD-Type Symptoms Adam Scavo Des Moines Area Community College â€Æ' Children with autism are showing signs of ADHD type symptoms at younger ages. Attention –Deficit/hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD is known to effect children more than it does adults, â€Å"Population surveys suggest that ADHD occurs in most cultures in about 5% of children and about 2.5% of adults†(American Psychiatric Association). ADHD mostly begins in the adolecentRead MoreHuman Genetics962 Words  | 4 Pagesthis development need to be addressed. The second article to review is found in the European Child Adolescent Psychiatry; it relates to the genetic link from a parent that has ADHD or ASD (autism spectrum disorder), to the high percentage that the child from that parent may also be diagnosed with one of those disorders. Psychological Aspects of Human Cloning Dr. Morales explains that because the public believes a human clone will not be a new individual that is genetically unique, this hasRead MoreEssay about Challenges in the Classroom: ADHD and Autism1482 Words  | 6 Pageslearners from students who suffer from ADHD to physical disabilities to students with autism to ones that are bullied in school. There are so many things going on in our students lives we sometimes forget they have lives, pressures and disabilities that affect their performance and attitude in our class that have a profound impact on how they learn. For this paper I have chose to focus on learners that struggle with autism and students who have ADHD. Autism and ADHD learning disabilities are becomingRead MoreEssay On Autism854 Words  | 4 PagesTheme 1 from your literature The purpose of the first article, Level of Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Phenotypic Congruence Among Affected Siblings, is to determine familial aggregation amongst siblings with autism, specifically twins. The main question raised in this article is whether â€Å"individual differences in levels of overall functioning can be explained by genetic [factors] versus environmental factors†(Goin-Kochel et al., 2008). My question asks â€Å"Are siblings more likely to beRead MoreWorking with Students who have Learning Disabilities Essay examples1481 Words  | 6 Pageswas different learning disabilities. I was shocked at how many there were, the broad spectrum some are categorized under and the severity of others. Some common diagnosed disabilities today are Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD), autism, emotional or behavioral disorders and developmental disorders, just to name a few. Other disabilities include communication disorders, low-incidence, multiple and severe disabilities. Physical disabilities, (i.e. traumaticRead MoreAutism Spectrum, Asperger, And Pervasive Development Disorder1519 Words  | 7 PagesThe autism spectrum consists of three main disorders, autism, Asperger s, and pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). One issue regarding disorders on the autism spectrum is the minimal research funding for them. While treatable diseases are heavily studied due to the search for a cure, the disorders on the autism spectrum cannot be treated. The complication of limited funding is that people are not dealing with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) correctly, which worsens the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Theme of Unconditional Love in William Shakespeares...
The Theme of Unconditional Love in William Shakespeares Sonnet 130 Sonnet 130 sounds as if it is mocking all of the other poems of Shakespeares era. Love poems of this time period made women out to be superficial goddesses. Sonnet 130 takes the love poem to a deeper, more intimate level where looks are no longer important and it is inner beauty that matters. Shakespeare paints this picture using a wonderful combination of metaphors and a simile. He starts the poem out with a simile comparing his mistress eyes to the sun. He then quickly switches over to using the metaphors to compare the rest of his mistress characteristics, such as her breasts to snow and hair to wires. This poem is written in the traditional†¦show more content†¦It seems as though Shakespeare had just finished reading a sonnet of the era that was written about someones mistress having eyes like the sun and lips as red as coral. When he sat down and wrote a poem that said the mistress in the latters poem must be a goddess. His was not, but he loved her anyway for what she was not what she was not. This poem was made to be a mocking view of all the other love poems around. I feel that the format of this sonnet in terms of content and Shakespeares feelings served two purposes. He wanted first to convey the image that even though his mistress was not as fair as one would hope for, they seemed to share some kind of kinship or bond that no other could share with him, not even his wife. It did not matter to him that she was not as pretty, but only that she is on the same wavelength that he is. Secondly, I feel that he is explaining the fact that he does not necessarily want a mistress that is ravishing, and that all of the qualities that other men see in women are not his own and in fact repulse him. He says in line 13 that he loves the woman and that is rare or extraordinary. Which simply means that he cannot believe that he actually does like another woman that is not beautiful to every extent but she offers something more than just good looks, companionship. The picture of true unconditional love is best presented in William ShakespearesShow MoreRelatedThe Significance of Shakespeares Regards Toward His Mistress in Sonnet 130918 Words  | 4 PagesThe Significance of Shakespeares Regards toward his Mistress in Sonnet 130 Sonnet 130 compares William Shakespeare’s mistress to typical, natural beauty; each time drawing attention to his mistress’ obvious imperfections. He addresses her as if she cannot compare to the ideal appearances women are expected to look like in that of the natural world. The comparisons Shakespeare addresses highlight aspects of nature, such as snow (3)or coral (2) yet; each comparison proves to be unflatteringlyRead More Essay on Sonnet 130 and Passionate Shepherd To His Love822 Words  | 4 Pages Sonnet 130 and Passionate Shepherd To His Love nbsp; In William Shakespeares Sonnet 130 and Christopher Marlowes The Passionate Shepherd To His Love, the themes of unconditional love, opulent treasures, and vivid imagery are all conveyed throughout the poems but through different point of views. nbsp; The theme of unconditional love is expressed through the two poems. The poet proclaims his affection for her by telling his love that he will give her anything in the world if sheRead MoreA Very Brief Biography of William Shakespeare1609 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare William Shakespeare, man with intelligence, creativity, and with great passion for love, was one of the most prestige playwright, poet, and actor from the British Literature. He contributed his whole life writing some of the finest and well known plays and poems that are still highly valued in the present literary world. Shakespeare’s conventional themes for most of his plays and poems are about universal matters such as love, jealousy, and beauty which were common focus duringRead MoreHow do the poets compare the theme of Love?3322 Words  | 14 PagesHow do the poets compare the theme of Love? In the poems â€Å"Sonnet 116†and â€Å"Sonnet 130†written by William Shakespeare, â€Å"La Belle Dams sans Merci: A Ballad†by John Keats, â€Å"My Last Duchess†by Robert Browning, â€Å"A Mother in a Refugee Camp†written by Chinua Achebe and â€Å"Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy, all have one main feature in common, they are about love. Albeit these poems are about love, they were written in different time periods, ranging from 1609 to 1993. I have decided to analyse these poem
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Metamorphosis The Potrait Of Kafka8217s Life Essay Example For Students
The Metamorphosis The Potrait Of Kafka8217s Life Essay The Metamorphosis: The Potrait Of Kafkas Life The Metamorphosis written by Franz Kafka is considered one of the few great, poetic works of the twentieth century. Addressing The Metamorphosis, Elias Canetti, a Nobel Prize-winning author, has commented, In The Metamorphosis Kafka has reached the height of his mastery: he has written something which he could never surpass, because there is nothing which The Metamorphosis could be surpassed by one of the few great, perfect poetic works of this century (Corngold ix). There are many symbolisms and parallelisms used in the story. Kafkas disturbing, symbolic fiction, especially The Metamorphosis, written in German, not only prefigures the oppression and despair of the late 20th century but also is an account of the dramatic transformations that had occurred during his own life (Kafka Franz, Funk, 2000). This beautifully written masterpiece of Kafkas is clearly symbolic of his own life and nightmare-like life experiences he had with his father. Suppose all that you have always valued in your life was shown to be an illusion. What if your precious beliefs, maxims, platitudes, and traditions were inverted and distorted beyond recognition? You suddenly realize that what is good is bad; what is beauty is foul; what is virtue, vice. What if all your points of reference were to shift: North becomes South; black becomes white; deviant becomes saint; saint becomes deviant. Suppose that this transformation a metamorphosis of perception were to come to you and you alone. Suddenly you awake, and in utter solitude you discover that your values have reversed along with you: you are a roach! (http://www.vr. net/her). Your world is abruptly and totally changed! This is Gregor portrayed in Kafkas The Metamorphosis. With the opening of the story, Kafka right away jumps into the woken yet uneasy dreamy state of Gregor, a young commercial traveler. With the rise of Gregor, Kafka describes the dull, gloomy and humid environment that foreshadows the decay and deterioration of Gregors life. As soon as Gregor opens his eyes, he finds himself positioned in an uncomfortable manner and transformed into a monstrous vermin or a gigantic insect, a worthless creature, with his hard armor-plated back lying on the bed: He was lying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he could see his dome-like belly divided into stiff arched segments (Kafka 296). With this arresting opening, Kafka has set his mysterious psychological fantasy in motion. He plainly describes Gregors uneasiness of keeping himself balanced in his bed. His numerous pitifully thin legs waved helplessly in the air before his eyes (296). Just so the readers are not left in confusion, Gregor asserts that It was not a dream, and sees for himself, in disbelief, that he is still in his own regular human bedroom, with a collection of cloth samples widespread on the top of the table (296). Slowly and gradually, we notice Gregors difficulty in getting up from his bed and his effort to get up safely without hurting hims5elf. This is clearly seen when the narrator says, If he tried to bend a leg, it first straightened out; and if he finally succeeded in taking charge of it, the other legs meanwhile all kept carrying on, as if emancipated, in extreme and painful agitation (297). Through this description of his difficulties one can clearly see his miserable suffering and his slowly deteriorating health. The use of lengthy descriptions of the difficulties that Gregor faces probably signifies Kafkas actual feelings and pains that he suffered within his life, mainly during his childhood. Gregors difficulties in getting up from his bed actually relate to the difficulties that Kafka faced the very morning of the initial composing of The Metamorphosis. In regard to this he wrote Felice Bauer, his German fiance: I was simply too miserable to get out of bed. It also seemed to me that last night my novel got much worse, and I lay in the lowest depths. Ill write you again today, even though I still have to run around a lot and shall write down a short story that occurred to me during my misery in bed .
Saturday, April 11, 2020
T.S. EliotS Poem, Choruses From The Rock Essays - Religion, Theism
T.S. Eliot'S Poem, Choruses From ?The Rock? In order to understand T.S. Eliots poem, Choruses from The Rock, one must first understand Eliots views on contemporary theology and spirituality. He felt as if people were moving away from the Church and were losing their religion in favor of more secular worship. The following passage from Eliots poem can summarize his entire argument that he makes in Choruses from The Rock. But it seems that something has happened that has never happened before: though we know not just when, or why, or how, or where. Men have left GOD not for other gods, they say, but for no God; and this has never happened before that men both deny gods and worship gods, professing first Reason, And then Money, and Power, and what they call Life, or Race, or Dialectic. The Church disowned, the tower overthrown, the bells upturned, and what have we to do but stand with empty hands and palms turned upwards in an age which advances progressively backwards? T.S. Eliot - Choruses from 'The Rock' Eliot complains that something has happened that has never happened before: for the first time, man stands alienated from God. He believes that man stands lonely, in great darkness, with no light to guide him; and Eliot is right. Something has happened that has never happened before. One might ask why or how it has happened. These things do not happen in a certain moment. They happen so gradually that one never becomes really aware of when, where, or how. The civilized man has lost something because now we live in the man-made world where it is almost impossible to find any sign of God. God is hard to find in the asphalt roads or in cement structures. These things are not alive. How can one find God in machines or in technology? Even facing the greatest machine you cannot feel awe, you cannot feel reverence, you cannot feel like falling on your knees and praying. If you cannot feel like falling on your knees and praying once in a while, how can God remain a part of your being? Eliot claims that man is facing a tremendous flood of meaninglessness for the first time. Everything seems to be utterly insignificant, and the reason is simple: without God there can be no significance, no splendor. Life can have meaning only in the context of something that surpasses life. The meaning always comes from the context; now man stands without a context. The meaning comes only when you can look upwards to something bigger than you, something greater than you. When you feel related with something greater, holier, your life has meaning. Man has left nature and has created an artificial world of his own. This fact has been the most shattering phenomenon which has disrupted man from God and all that is implied in God: meaning, significance, majesty, love, prayer, meditation, and all that is valuable. The irony is, man has never been so rich as he is today. Both things have happened together: the inner, spiritual being has become poorer while the outer being has become richer. We have more money than any other society before, we have in every way more power than any other society ever had before, and still no society has ever felt such meaninglessness. Eliot thinks that we have cultivated reason too much and we have become lopsided. Science functions from the head while religion functions from the heart. Because we have become too obsessed with the head we think that is all there is. As we become more and more hung up in the head, we become more and more oblivious to the existence of the heart, and Eliot thinks that we will become more and more miserable. T. S. Eliot is right: ... something has happened that has never happened before: though we know not just when, or why, or how, or where. Men have left God not for other gods... That was very usual in the past; people used to move from one god to another. That was an evolution. The God of Moses is less sophisticated than the God of Jesus, since there are thousands of
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
The Personal Computer
The Personal Computer This document contains the history current use and future possibilities of the home PCCONTENTS:Introduction 3IntroductionA home computer was the description of the second generation of desktop computers, entering the market in 1977 and becoming common during the 1980s. They are also members of the class known as personal computers. These computers typically cost much less than business, scientific or engineering-oriented desktop personal computers, and were generally less powerful in terms of memory and expandability. However, a home computer often had better graphics and sound than contemporary business personal computers, and was usually sold for purposes of education, game play, and personal productivity use.The home computer became affordable for the general public due to the mass production of the silicon chip based microprocessor and, as the name indicates, tended to be used in the home rather than in business/industrial settings. In contrast to their predecessors, they were de signed to be used by the average consumer, not necessarily an electronics hobbyist.IBM Portable Personal Computer :: Retrocomputing o...Very typically a home computer would have had a version of the basic programming language in read-only permanent memory. To save the cost of a dedicated monitor, the home computer often would have connected either directly or through an RF modulator to the family TV set as video display and sound system.Personal computers are normally operated by one user at a time to perform such general purpose tasks as word processing, Internet browsing, Internet faxing, e-mail and other digital messaging, multimedia playback, computer game play, computer programming, etc. The user of a modern personal computer may have significant knowledge of the operating environment and application programs, but is not necessarily interested in programming or even able to write programs for the computer. Therefore, most software written primarily for personal computers tends to be designed with simplicity of use, or...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
De Beers and US Anti Trust Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
De Beers and US Anti Trust Law - Case Study Example With the discovery of large mines in South Africa, the diamond availability in the world market suddenly reached a high. In order to ensure that the prices of the diamond in the market are maintained, the supplies had to be limited. The miners in South Africa which was the lead producer of diamonds, started working together and created a 'cartel' that would discuss and decide the price of diamonds in the world market. This cartel was formed with De Beers in the lead and they coordinated the entire operation of forming this initial syndicate that would canalize and fix the supplies of diamonds in the world market. This also ensured that every body in the trade benefited because it maintained the price of the diamond in the world market without allowing it to fall or rise phenomenally. Once the diamond mines in other locations of the world were discovered, the South African control over the world market with respect to the supplies of the diamond mines came down. More mines in Angola, Russia, Congo and Zaire started to dominate the world market and the South African share in the market came down to 17%. However, De Beers by enforcing clear commercial and economic control on the market could bring these people also under control and ensured that the price of diamonds does not fall and continued to rise or stabilise even when the supplies of diamonds kept rising. This meant that De Beers had to buy out from the market some of the diamonds that was available to bring stability to the pricing. This resulted in a large stock pile for De Beers. The company resorted to both buying as well as selling of diamonds in order to bring down the prices or raise the prices as the need may be. This ensured diamond price was under control and the miners did not suffer. De Beers and the US Government De Beers has been a practising monopoly. They tended to control the price of the diamond market and this meant that they violate the US Antitrust law and its governing principles. De Beers was violating every one of the Anti-trust law principle except for the consumer protection which De Beers says it covers. But then, even that would be under question on analysis. US Diamond Dealers mostly dealt with the buyers of De Beers diamonds. The identity of the diamonds is lost once they reach the coast of US. Though the diamonds are not known to have originated from De Beers, the company as a brand was very well known. The US government and its Department of Justice were also aware of the violations of De Beers and they have taken multitude of steps to bring them under the book but these are yet to materialise. The relationship with the diamond traders in US and that of the government is certainly not one for long and sustained relationship. It has to be direct and legal to be sustainable. In order to do this, either the company should change its method of operation or change the law to accommodate such a change. De Beers, the Illegal trade and the US Market The structure created by the anti-trust law is in line with the thinking of the greatest minds on economics. In addition to that, any violation of the basic principle of capitalist and free economics would only lead to the decay of the structure so carefully erected. De Beers is a violator
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Business & Society - Social Performance Assignment
Business & Society - Social Performance - Assignment Example In this case the following companies will be examined: Snapple, which distributes and manufactures fruit juices and teas; Nestle, whose subsidiary, Perrier, is a brand of mineral water; and Dole, who manufactures and distributes various fruit juices. The Federal Sentencing Guidelines specifically state that organizations are to follow and implement a program that addresses compliance with ethics programs (Federal Sentencing Guidelines  §8B2.1). Specifically, this section is concerned with ensuring that all organizations not only have an effective ethical Code of Conduct, which specifically addresses that organizations must use due diligence to prevent and detect criminal conduct and promote an effective organizational culture that encourages ethical conduct and law compliance, but that these organizations are effective with ensuring that employees are aware of the organizational Code and follow it. This paper will explain who Pured will not only implement an effective program but t hat its employees are aware of the Code of Conduct and will follow it. Introduction Pured ® is a beverage company which manufactures and distributes bottled mineral water and packaged fruit juice as products. It is a medium-sized public limited company launched in 2009, with 68% public ownership and 32% private capital of its total worth. ... In this case the following companies will be examined: Snapple, which distributes and manufactures fruit juices and teas; Nestle, whose subsidiary, Perrier, is a brand of mineral water; and Dole, who manufactures and distributes various fruit juices. Snapple Dr. Pepper and Snapple are a part of the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc., and their Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is available at They have specific tenets regarding conflicts of interest, political contributions, confidential information, integrity and fair dealing, employment of family, and theft or misuse of assets. Since Dr. Pepper and Snapple is a large organization, the Guidelines Manual states that they shall devote more formal operations and greater resources in meeting the guideline requirements (Federal Sentencing Guidelines). The guidelines also state that the company must set up standards and procedures to prevent and detect criminal conduct; that the company must not knowingly hire somebody who has engaged in illegal activities or has previously broken compliance with ethics programs; that the company shall communicate the ethics policies periodically; that the ethics program shall be enforced consistently; and that if there is criminal conduct, the organization shall take step to appropriately respond (Federal Sentencing Guidelines). In the case of Dr. Pepper/Snapple, there is very little in the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics page that would suggest that they are conforming with the Federal Guidelines. They do not address criminal conduct, except to say that the employees of the firm must follow all laws, rules and regulations. They do not outline what steps they will take if there is a
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Diffusion and Osmosis Shown In Solutions Essay Example for Free
Diffusion and Osmosis Shown In Solutions Essay This lab, title Diffusion and Osmosis, was centered around the diffusion across a cellular membrane and how exactly materials move and diffuse in concentrations. Both diffusion and osmosis are forms of movement that are part of passive transport dealing with cell membranes. Diffusion is where the solutes move from an area of high concentration to a low concentration. Water goes through the cell membranes by diffusion. Osmosis is specifically the movement of water through membranes. Since osmosis and diffusion are both part of passive transport, this means that they do not require energy or pumps. There are different environments created due to diffusion. There are hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic environments. Hypotonic is when the solution has a lower solute concentration compared to the water potential. The hypertonic solution has a higher solute concentration and lower water potential. In an isotonic solution, there is no net movement and there is an equal concentration of solutes and water. In our lab, we modeled diffusion and osmosis with a hospital scenario. It is important for an IV solution to have salts in it so the water and solute can be equal to create an isotonic environment. If there wasn’t, there would either be a hypotonic causing the cell to burst, or there would be hypertonic causing the cell to shrink. We created models of living cells by using dialysis tubing. The dialysis tube represented the cell membrane to act as selectively permeable to water and some solutes. We observed different solutes (NaCl, Ovalbumin, Glucose, Sucrose, and Water) in the dialysis tubing. The problem was what environment the solutes would create and whether water would diffuse in or out of the cell. I predicted that all of the tubes will be in a hypotonic environment after the 30 minutes because there is a higher concentration of water outside the cell. The water will diffuse inside the cell, therefore the cell will gain weight. We took the initial weight of each tube with the solute inside, the final weight, and then after took the percent change in weight. The control of the experiment was the model cell where there was water inside and outside the cell. My data proved my hypothesis and led me to conclude that all of the solutions were in a hypotonic environment. For the second part of the experiment we were to think of an inquiry. The purpose was to identify concentrations of sucrose solutions that we were given. We were to find what solution was closest to being isotonic in order to identify which of them was water. There were 6 different solutions that we observed. There were red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple solutions. For my individual inquiry, I used a potato to be placed in the solutions. I found that the potato does not shrink because it has a cell wall which supports and maintains a plant cells structure. I predicted that the potato would remain the same size in the blue solution because it would have an isotonic environment. I thought that if the potato was placed in a hypotonic environment, then the percent change in mass would be greater than if placed in a hypertonic environment. Materials and Methods My tested hypothesis was that all of the dialysis tubes (cells) would have a hypotonic environment. If the dialysis tubes were placed in the beaker for 30 minutes, then after the 30 minutes, the water would diffuse in the cell, causing it to gain weight. For the first procedure, I created model cells with different solutions to determine the rate of diffusion. The weights with the filled cell models can determine rate and direction of diffusion by measuring the percent change of mass and determining the environment after the experiment. A solid control for the procedure is to use water because that is in an isotonic environment, meaning that both concentrations are equal. There were four solutions that were used in the experiment: sucrose, NaCl, glucose, and ovalbumin and the control: water. I took the five dialysis tubings which were acting as cells and filled them with 10 mL of each solution. We knotted each end but made sure to leave enough space at the top for water to diffuse in the cell. The initial weight was taken and recorded in a data table. The five cells were placed in a beaker filled with water for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes, the cells were weighed, and the final weight was recorded in the data table, and then the percent change was calculated. The materials used in this procedure were beakers, water, sucrose, glucose, NaCl, ovalbumin, 20 cm-long dialysis tubing and balances. In the inquiry, I predicted that the blue solution was water and that it would have an isotonic environment, meaning there would be no percent change.I first cut the potatoes into 6 cylinders of the same size by using a cork. I got six beakers and filled each with 20 mL of the different color-coated solutions with different concentrations (orange, red, yellow, green, blue purple). The initial mass of each potato cylinder was taken before placing in the solution. I placed the potatoes in the appropriate labeled beaker (1-6) of each solution and let them sit there for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes, I took the final mass of each cylinder and calculated the percent change in mass.The materials that were used in the inquiry were potatoes, corks, pipettes, balances, scalpels, beakers, and the color-coded sucrose solutions. In this inquiry, the solutions in a hypotonic environment were red, yellow, and blue. Those solutions all had final weights that were greater than initial weights. The orange and green colors both had final weights that were smaller than their initial weights, which means they were in a hypertonic environment. The purple color was in an isotonic environment because the initial and final weights are the same. Discussion and Conclusions In conclusion, my understanding for diffusion and osmosis has been sharpened. I observed the different parts of passive transport: diffusion and osmosis. They both go with the concentration gradient from an area of high to low concentration. My hypothesis for procedure 1, that all of the dialysis tubings would be in a hypotonic environment was correct. This occurred because the tubings were placed in a beaker of water. This means that there was a higher concentration of water than the solute, causing the water to diffuse in the cell after 30 minutes. When water diffuses into the cell, this causes the cell to be enlarged. Some errors I could have made in the experiments would be failure to pay attention to the timing when the tubes and potatoes were in the solutions, inaccurate measuring when gathering the solutions and the potatoes may have not been exactly the same size. This experiment relates to the AP Biology Big ideas and Science Practices because by observing the cells, I tried to maintain equilibrium or homeostasis by being in an isotonic environment, I also used representations and models to communicate scientific theories when I used the dialysis tubings to form as cells. I properly calculated mathematics by using the percent change formula. I feel I gained more knowledge by questioning and forming my beginning hypothesis for each step.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Elizabeth Bowen’s The Heat of the Day - Comparing Scenes in the Movie and Book :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays
Elizabeth Bowen’s The Heat of the Day - Comparing Scenes in the Movie and Book    With the Nazi invasion of France in the early 1940s, Europe became a very turbulent and dangerous place. There were many concerns of the people of all the countries of the continent: bombings, invasion and especially espionage. In her novel The Heat of the Day, Elizabeth Bowen describes the unsettling and uneasiness that were apparent in England during the war. Although Bowen gives us an eloquent description of the happens in England, readers get a much better view on the happens in certain scenes by viewing the adaptation of the novel into film. Although there are many scenes to compare between the film and the novel, the scene chosen for this study will be the funeral of Cousin Francis and the first appearance of Harrison in the movie. This occurs in the fourth chapter of the novel. A discussion of Robert and Stella’s conversation in his room at Holme Dene will also occur. The first scene begins, in the film, with Stella walking into the church when the funeral is about to begin. We see that she chooses to sit on the right side of the coffin where we can only assume that the family is meant sit. Next we see the camera pan to a shot of a man sitting on the opposite side of the isle. At this point, unless the audience has read the book, we have no idea who this man is. The funeral commences, ends and the next shot we see is the members of the funeral procession heading to the post funeral gathering. One odd thing that we must note at this point is that the unknown man who sat in the back of the church does not walk with anyone else in the party: he seems to just be follower. Many things occur at this point in the film. We learn that Stella’s son Roderick has become the sole person to inherit Cousin Francis’ home, Mount Morris, according to the family lawyer. We also discover that no one in the whole funeral party knows who the man who sat in the back of the church is. It is here in which we learn that the man is called Harrison after he introduces himself to Stella.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
A Summary of Robert Harris’ Pompeii Essay
The novel â€Å"Pompeii†is basically about one of the most famous natural calamities in known history, the explosion of Mount Vesuvius. Robert Harris should be commended for the immense research that he had infused in the text, both on history and engineering. Readers are treated to a blast to the past particularly during the time of the Romans. The timeline of the narrative is set a few days before the infamous eruption of Mount Vesuvius, an explosion said to be more powerful than the atomic bombs of Hiroshima, an explosion that lasted for a whole day and a whole night. The book is rich in vivid description of the setting, tension between characters, and subtle twist and turns. These elements amalgamate to produce an effect of heavy build-up which would make the novel as explosive as an angry volcano, and yet at the same time undeniably stunning. Throughout the text, enriching history and impressive engineering details are interwoven. This aspect of the novel was particularly interesting because readers would realize and appreciate the importance of aqueducts. The novel shared that it was the ingenious water supply that enabled the Romans to prosper amidst the hot climate. The novel was also written in a modern tone that made it easy to follow. And just like the effect of â€Å"Titanic†, the readers of â€Å"Pompeii†already knew that the volcano is about to explode, but the characters do not. This aspect of the novel is one effective technique to keep the readers turning the pages. Characters Attilius – is the hero of the story. A young engineer from a family of aqueduct engineers. An intelligent person who actions are always guided by reason. He still mourns the death of his wife. Pliny the elder- leader of the fleet who helped Atillius to get to Pompeii. The character in the novel is actually a real figure in history. Revered as a person of knowledge and leadership. Corelia – the young daughter of Ampliatus. The object of affection Attilius. Reminded him of his deceased wife. Exomnius – The aquarius who mysterious vanished without notice. Later in the plot, it would be revealed that Exomnius was a corrupt aquarius in connivance with the more corrupt Ampliatus. Ampliatus – The main antagonist of the story. A former slave turned rich through claiming the properties of his dead master. A greedy and self-righteous businessman. Could only be described as selfish and detestable. Corax – Subordinate of Attilius whose job is overseer. Looks down on Ampliatus probably because of he is older. Brebix – A strong hardworking man who respects Attilius’ position Massavo – a porter with a large head. He posses a cheery attitude. Plot The protagonist of the story is Marcus Attilius Primus. He was assigned to be the aquarius of major aqueduct, the Agua Agusta, which was sixty mile aqueduct. This was an important task because the Agua Agusta is the source of water to all the cities in the Bay of Naples. Even though the task at hand is tremendous, Attilius was determined to do the job. It seems that aqueduct engineering is running through the veins of Attilius. He came from a family of aqueduct engineers. He is a quite a young engineer, even his physical appearance does not lie about his young age. He is viewed by his subordinates as too young to be an aquarius at his age of 27. The term â€Å"aquarius†pertains to the title given to the main engineer of the aqueduct, the one who responsible for the aqueduct. An aquarius could translate to hydraulics engineer. His youth made it difficult for him to gain the respect that he deserve from his work gang. With Attilius in command, his subordinates acted and did their job underperforming, as if it was against their will. One of his subordinates heckled â€Å"boys should stick to their books†(Harris 3). But of all his subordinates, it was Corax, the overseer, who had given him a difficult time. The plot would gain momentum when Attilius received a new assignment. A stack of mystery would build up in the plot. From this point on, the novel would have a detective-story-like taste to it. Attilius reasoning and his talent in problem solving is put to the test. Then comes a mystery that would make Attilius wonder. The previous aquarius of the aqueduct (named Exominus) had mysteriously disappeared. In addition, the area, which the aqueduct is suppose to supply water, is experiencing drought. And as additional concern, fishes die because of the water. Attilius investigates the mystery of why the fishes had been dying. He soon discovers that there was sulfur on the water and the substance was killing the fishes. During this point of the text, Numerius Popidius Ampliatus, the main antagonist, enters the scene. He was a former slave who was liberated when his master died in an earthquake. Ampliatus accumulated his riches by claiming the properties of his deceased master. He seemed to got away with his mischief because no relative came to claim the properties. Actually, it was Ampliatus who was the owner of the fishery where the fishes were killed due to the sulfur contamination. He blamed the slave responsible for the fishery. It should be noted that the fishes that were killed were of the expensive kind. And in a truly villanous act, he fed his own slave to eels. He even seemed to enjoy the sight of the slave being devoured by the eels. As he himself were not born as a slave. Then Corelia tried to save the poor slave. Corelia was a charming, young, and kind woman. The irony in her character is that she is the daughter of the detestable Ampliatus. When Attilius saw Corelia, the woman immediately reminded him of his deceased wife. And from there on, their romance would bloom gradually. Readers would soon witness what Ampliatus is really planning. The villain wants to be the provider of water to Pompeii. In his evil plan, he was in connivance with Exomnius, the aquarius who disappeared. Exomnius was actually corrupt and was stealing from the imperial treasury. Amidst all of these mysteries, the receding flow of water to the Bay of Naples had entirely stopped flowing from the aqueduct. And because he was the aquarius, Attlius had to find a the source of the problem. He concluded that there must have been a blocked section of the aqueduct. Attilius would receive some help from Pliny the Elder. Pliny the Elder was the commander of the fleet that was docked in Misenum. From then on, Attilius organized an expedition to go to Pompeii with the mission of clearing of the blocked section of the aqueduct. During this part of the narrative, Pliny the Elder’s characteristics seemed to mirror that of Attilius. The former was a man of knowledge and of good leadership. The same goes for the latter, but he seemed a little bit unrefined probably because of his young age. The line â€Å"Pliny never had difficulty in issuing for it was the essence of his command†is in contrast to how Attilius was treated by his subordinates during the initial portion of the novel (173). Attilius and Pliny the Elder discovered that there were thousands of Roman coins (or sesterces) at the bottom of the aqueduct. They also realized that Exomnius was plotting to retrieve the coins for himself. Then the complications stated earlier in the novel had started to resolve themselves. Corelia brings Attilius documents that would put a stop to his father’s wrong doings. Then the highlight of the novel would be of course the eruption of Vesuvius. Pompeii and neighboring was completely ravaged. Ampliatus died because he did not want to leave his property. He was truly a greedy man until the very end. Pliny the Elder also died while helping other people to safety. Attilius went back to save Coreliia not mind the risk. The two somehow managed to locate each other. And even though they had tried, escape was seemingly impossible. Fortunately, Attilius knows the underground passageways below the aqueduct. Water was already filling in, they decided to dig even though they know they could be either drowned or buried alive. The book concluded with Attilius and Coreila managing to dig their way through the aqueduct. It was not cleared as to whether the two had survived. However, the last sentence says that there was a man and a woman who came forth the ruined aqueduct after the explosion. Conclusion The complications that Attilius had to face became microscopic when it was compared to the eruption of Vesuvius. The story is derived from one of the most famous natural calamities in history. Fortunately, the novel was far from being a disaster but rather a stunning showcase of how could nature silence us in our petty concerns. Work Cited Harris, Robert. Pompeii. NY: Random House. 2003
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Personal Cultural Family Model. To Acknowledge And Understand
Personal Cultural Family Model To acknowledge and understand the diversity of childrearing beliefs and practices among families, we must first acknowledge and understand our own beliefs and practices. Children are very diverse people who have been raised a specific way and must understand that they are vastly different from others. It is important that â€Å"helping†professionals show their students compassion, support, and understand the many different family and cultural backgrounds. History It is believed that the Moody family originated in Europe and our branch of ancestry migrated to the United States (Texas) quite some time ago. The story of the family history has not been passed down throughout our branch of the family since the people†¦show more content†¦Jordan and Sarah, my other two roommates, grew up about thirty minutes from my hometown in Pearland, Texas and since moving to college have lived together. We all get along well and understand that we grew up from different backgrounds, but if we talk about any issues that arise, we can work out the problems. The hardest thing about moving in with random roommates was assessing the cleanliness of the apartment since I am OCD and expect the common areas in our apartment to be spotless. Values As a child who grew up in what is considered as the â€Å"western†world, my family values children and members to be independent and assertive. From a young age, children in the United States are taught how to talk to others, request needs that they would like to be filled, and comment on situations that they are in. These values are independent since the child can talk for themselves and request anything they may need. Discipline Approaches Growing up in an authoritarian parenting style, my father always had the last say in discipline and we did not have the chance to explain ourselves and try to bargain during the punishment process. The primary disciplines that were used in our household at a young age was timeout and once we reached the age of five or six it transformed to spanking and getting grounded from any technology that weShow MoreRelatedThe Meta Paradigm Of Nursing830 Words  | 4 Pages This concept is important to nursing theory because those four parts are the key areas of focus when it comes to patient care. The use of a conceptual model facilitates communication between nurses and providers a universal approach used for practice, management, education, and nursing research. The worldview in nursing provided the cultural lenses that shape how we see the world, and they give meaning to live, both personally and for humanity as a whole. 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