Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Ethical Dilemma Analysis free essay sample
The nurse that promised confidentiality now faces an ethical dilemma: if she keeps her promise to the girl, she may not get the proper follow up care and support to treat her illness, and if she breaks her promise, she has violated the ethical principles of fidelity, and autonomy (Nathanson, 2000). This paper will discuss the ethical implications of breaches of confidentiality, and how the ethical theory of teleology helps to determine the best course of action. Using the 6-step process of ethical decision-making from Purtilo and Doherty as a guide, this paper will also explain the process of how a breach in confidentiality can still elicit the ultimate goal of ethical practice: a caring response. The ethical theory of teleology is focused on the outcomes of decisions. The end result is the deciding factor in all choices in teleologic ethics (Purtilo amp; Doherty, 2011). The girl in the above scenario would be unfortunate indeed if the nurse kept her promise. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Dilemma Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The decision to not tell the parents clearly places the minor in a position to decide the outcome of her own fate. This is a huge burden to place on an immature mind regardless of the right to autonomy, or the respect for the nurse-patient relationship and its promise of confidentiality. Neither keeping the promise to the girl, nor breaking it, is ideal. The duty of confidence requires the nurse to â€Å"disclose information if they believe someone may be at risk of harm†(Edwards, 2010, p. 14). In this situation the nurse works through the 6-step process of ethical decision-making and uses teleology theory to help her choose the path that will bring about the best outcome for the girl. According to Purtilo and Doherty (2011) the 6-step method provides the nurse with a logical, clear way to decide which course of action to take, and what options are available to her. Gathering relevant information, asking questions, paying attention to the details in step 1 gives the nurse insight as to why the girl might not want her cancer and HPV diagnoses revealed. Step 2 identifies that this is clearly an ethical dilemma. The girl needs follow up care that only her parents will be able to provide since their consent is needed because she is a minor. Step 3 examines the situation through the use of ethics theory, in this case teleology, and brings the focus back on what is most important, what is best for the girl. Step 4 discusses possible alternatives. Diligent thought about possible alternatives is important in order to choose the best one (Purtilo amp; Doherty, 2011). In collaborating with other health care workers the nurse has a broader view of what options are possible. One possible alternative to not telling the parents is to allow the girl to leave, and think about it, give her information to review, and elicit a promise to return to discuss with the nurse any questions or concerns. This would allow the girl to be more autonomous but would not treat her underlying cancer if she does not speak with her parents, or if she fails to return to the ED. A second alternative would be to involve social services to help with counseling, to be a support and a presence in addition to the nurse, while the parents are told. A third option would be to disregard the promise made and call the parents without any discussion with the girl. This last option would be least desirable since the girl would likely be angry and upset that the nurse went behind her back and broke her promise to her. At this point the dilemma has been thought about and the alternative options examined. Step 5 is acting on the best alternative. The nurse decides to call the parents and speak with the girl that her wishes are heard and respected but in her best interests the promise to not tell must be broken. In teleology ethics, the focus is on the best outcome. The outcome of good is greater than the bad even though some bad will result from the decision (Purtilo amp; Doherty, 2011). Step 6 is evaluation and reflection of the chosen decision. The nurse knows that her ultimate goal is what is best for the girl in her treatment of her cancer, considering her age. She acted in the correct manner to elicit the best possible outcome and she did it in a caring way. Ethics committees, with their multi-disciplinary grouping, can also help in ethical dilemmas if time allows for a meeting to be called. Diverse views are shared and presented, and the best possible path is chosen. Limitations of ethics committees is the time needed to come to a decision since ethical dilemmas often need to be made quickly. â€Å"The duty of confidence is not absolute†(Griffith, 2007, p. 531). On occasion, confidence must be broken in order to provide ethical care. Organized thought processes such as the 6-Step method written about by Purtilo and Doherty, and using an appropriate ethical theory to guide help nursing determine the best course of action to take to elicit the ultimate goal of ethical nursing, a caring response. References Edwards, M. (2010). An introduction to confidentiality.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Mental Retardation essays
Mental Retardation essays My article pertains to the components of mental retardation in human beings. Mental retardation affects many more people than one would think. In fact, about ten percent of families in the United States are directly affected by it. Diagnosing mental retardation can be a difficult process. There are three key steps taken before one can be classified as such. The first step is to have a qualified person administer a standardized intelligence and aptitude test to the patient (IQ test). The second step is to try to list the patients strengths and weaknesses across these four areas: Intellectual and adaptive behavior skills, Psychological/emotional considerations, Physical/health/etiological considerations and Environmental considerations (Arc PG 1). The final step is to determine the intensity of the problem in those four areas, and what degree of assistance the patient will need. The assistance categories are broken down into four groups; intermittent, limited, extensive, and pervasive. Pervasive being the highest form of mental retardation and intermittent being the most mild. Scientists and doctors have discovered many possible reasons to explain the causes of mental retardation. The first reason is pointed at genetics. The next reasons are problems that may occur during the pregnancy, either before or after birth. The three major known causes of mental retardation are Down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome and fragile X (Arc PG2). It is a good thing that we figured out all of this valuable information because mental retardation, in most cases, can be avoided. For example we know that significant amounts of lead damages a newborns brain so we keep them away from those high-risk areas, thus lowering the chance of mental retardation. Furthermore, there are new vaccines and gene therapy treatments that can lower the risk even more. I learned many new and interesting facts from this article about t...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compare or constrast the differences in Asian and European traditions Essay
Compare or constrast the differences in Asian and European traditions - Essay Example People from china and Italy have a common way of celebrating their historical heritage. The Chinese, like the Italians, have a strict sense for their ethical values which define their conduct and principles. The Chinese and the Italians have reverence for their languages. Most Italians and Chinese prefer speaking their respective languages. Individuals from both countries attach much value to their ancient traditional practices, with a strong connection to their traditional lives. Bianco talks about Alfani lineage, which is a known old family in his country(Baca, & Martines 108). The Romans in Italy have held on to the ancient roman traditional worship practice. Whereas the Chinese have had divided tradition practices, their cultural practices have helped in uniting them. Historically, the Great Wall of China played a significant role in uniting the Chinese people. The historical archives on the Roman Empire have acted as a uniting factor for the Italians. Although Italians may be di vided due to economic and social reasons, the country has been united by the Italian national football team. The team has won world cup for a couple of times. On the other hand, the Chinese have been united by the performance of the Chinese Olympic team. Italy is one of the hospitable countries in Europe. The Chinese shares this similarity. The Chinese strongly condemns contempt for the foreigners. Most Italians prefer living in peace with foreigners. Compared to most European countries, the country has scored highly in terms of growing its relations with the immigrant population. The Chinese people are respectable to foreigners and immigrants. The Chinese government is a member of the United Nations organization that has a mandate of protecting the human life. The Chinese government has acted within the mandate of the United Nations when dealing with the problem of
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